Dark Skies
Our resident Astronomer and Cosmologist has much to share with us this month. With Saturn still visible in the night sky, we have an article about its beautiful ring system and the latest news about the discoveries of the James Webb telescope looking tothe outer reaches of our universe.....See articles 18 and 19 below
With the light pollution from nearby towns, a truly dark sky is not something we can enjoy in our locality. However, the cosmos remains an interest to many people including the amateur astronomers amongst us. Whether we own a telescope or merely look upwards at night, the universe continues to awe and fascinate us. In this page we will publish articles from amateurs and professionals which we hope will be of interest.
If you recently tried to look out for the magnificent Aurora Borealis that appeared in our northern skies from Eastertown, you will probably have been disappointed. The light pollution from Weston is too strong.
This article may help you understand a little about the Phenomena ...Carrington Events
Articles by Dr Ken Tapping, an astronomer with the National Research Council's Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, Penticton, BC, V2A 6J9.
1.Observing the Radio Universe
2. The Stuff of Life
3. Our Lonliest Space Pioneer
4. How big is the Universe?
5. Star Death, Star Birth
6. Microwave Ovens and Astronomy
7. Looking For Life on Alien Worlds
8. Double Stars
9. Mars Quakes and Water
10. The Planet That Never Was
11. Jovian Diamonds
12. About Telescopes
13. See a Stellar Explosion
14. Underground Telescopes
15. Where am I - Navigation
16. A History of the Milky Way
17. Cosmic Magnetism
18. The Rings of Saturn
19. A Christmas Light Galaxy